Low-cost organization's creation in market trading system, especially for the intermediary organization which we lacked in the past is now necessary for realizing resources arrangement, regional productive technical cooperation and specialized division of labor. 为了实现在资源配置和生产技术上的区域协作和专业化分工,必须在市场交易体系上实现降低成本的组织创新,尤其是供给出以往有所缺位的市场中间性组织。
Therefore, we cannot analyze the relations between the market mechanism and the technical innovation under the tradition industry economy enterprise relations; we should inspect this proposition under the network economy by the network division of labor angle of view. 因此,不能再固守在传统工业经济的企业关系环境下去分析市场结构和技术创新的关系,而应在网络经济下以网络分工的视角考察这一命题。
Thus, the specialized technical accumulation of division of labor is forming the regional differences in information processing capability of enterprise, and yet this difference has led to information structure of enterprises organization under the different mechanisms. 可见,分工过程中的专业化技术的积累形成了区域内的企业信息处理能力的差异,而这种差异导致了不同机制的企业组织信息结构。
The paper concludes; industrial chain integration of the Pearl River Delta industrial transfer, give full play to the advantage of the various regions of human, natural, technical resources, division of labor, the Pearl River Delta industrial transfer of the coordination of rapid development. 本文得出结论;通过对珠三角产业转移产业链整合研究,充分发挥各地区人力、自然、技术资源优势,分工协作,实现珠三角产业转移协调快速发展。